Haha....my main gripe now is that she's beautiful and I'm not, of course. I wonder what her plan would be to reform healthcare? She certainly could be a health and fitness example and advocate, that's for sure.
And...whew...sounds like we're still on for Friday. I was afraid you might change your mind after my last couple of posts. I'm kidding, of course! Have fun packing!
I've been blogging since early 2007. I'm sixty-something and live on a farm in Iowa. I have a husband, four grown children, and seven grandchildren. Taking photos is fun and I like the blog because its weed-free, dust-free, and organized.
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Well, you know I think she's okay so I guess we won't discuss her when we meet on Friday. I did think her boast was silly though.
Hi, Caution,
Haha....my main gripe now is that she's beautiful and I'm not, of course. I wonder what her plan would be to reform healthcare? She certainly could be a health and fitness example and advocate, that's for sure.
And...whew...sounds like we're still on for Friday. I was afraid you might change your mind after my last couple of posts. I'm kidding, of course! Have fun packing!
Hi, Poetikat,
She's ok with me if she stays put in Alaska.
Take care of your family, Sarah. Politics and fame can wait.
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