Here's another romantic couple, found lurking in one of the old family photo boxes. I have no idea who they are or where they are or what they've been up to, or what that is in the background.
No, really, officer, our mommy told us to wait right here until she got back. Sir? When did she say that? In 1926. Why?
Yes, ma'am, we were hiding from our older brother in an old wardrobe and we found this old telescope and we looked through the wrong end of it and the next thing we knew we were standing here outside this school.
School Principal Walter Griffitts, with his secretary Tilda Birkenstock, as they await their turn on the Giant Slide at the recent carnival held at St. Joseph's School in Emmerton, Ohio last week.
Hey, maybe you should do a blog, too!! Before I started my blog, I had searched around for blogs by farm women, but didn't find any. (Maybe I didn't know how to search correctly.) Anyway, if you start a blog, let me know, and I will certainly be one of your readers!!
Do you have livestock? Dairy? Best wishes to your daughter. Did you guys visit Wartburg?
Now that I know the tube is a fire escape, it will be fun to try and come up with an amusing caption using it.
"Dottie and Fred tried to appear nonchalant after making a quick getaway through the fire escape....." (now why did they need to make a quick getaway?)
Oh, goodness....just create a blog and start posting! I know very, very little about photography. I bought my digital camera last summer to use at our daughter's wedding. Its a Canon PowerShot A630, nothing expensive or fancy. From reading other blogs I'm beginning to learn about editing photos.....doctoring them up to look better. That requires software like Photoshop, which I don't have. If you go to CountryGirl's blog, you will see really beautiful photos and editing....she uses Photoshop. My computer came with "Picture It", so I'm using that to add frames and adjust tints, etc......just for fun!
Photos add visual interest on a blog, but writing down thoughts and experiences is just as enjoyable, in my opinion. I started my blog a year ago and didn't start posting photos until a month ago! I was a hermit blogger.....then I ventured out and read some other blogs and left some comments.....I became more sociable and now I get some comments from others.
So I'm encouraging you to go ahead and create a blog and get started! You most likely have many interesting photo subjects around your farm.
How did you find my blog, by the way? And you're a quilter? I love to admire quilts, but have never tried making one myself.
I forgot to mention.....on the farm where I grew up we used RED tractors! I spent many hours doing fieldwork with a IH Farmall 560....what a great tractor....but no dad would put a heathouser on it when the weather turned cold.
I've been blogging since early 2007. I'm sixty-something and live on a farm in Iowa. I have a husband, four grown children, and seven grandchildren. Taking photos is fun and I like the blog because its weed-free, dust-free, and organized.
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It looks kind of like a slide, doesn't it? I wonder what it is!
Alas, I have no caption ideas. :(
Nice old photo. They don't seem to like each other do they. I love looking at old photos.
Elephant?? What elephant??
No, really, officer, our mommy told us to wait right here until she got back. Sir? When did she say that? In 1926. Why?
Yes, ma'am, we were hiding from our older brother in an old wardrobe and we found this old telescope and we looked through the wrong end of it and the next thing we knew we were standing here outside this school.
Well, rhymeswithplague, thank you for your very original caption submissions!! They gave me a good laugh this afternoon!
I wonder if that tube thing behind the couple could possibly be a fire escape of some sort?
School Principal Walter Griffitts, with his secretary Tilda Birkenstock, as they await their turn on the Giant Slide at the recent carnival held at St. Joseph's School in Emmerton, Ohio last week.
I just channeled it. Sorry.
country girl,
Whatever channel you're on....I love it!!
yolanda & jen,
Thanks for stopping by!
I am visiting your blog for the first time.
Yes, that is a fire escape. There was one on the old school in my grandmother's hometown.
Dear Anonymous Nonnie M:
Thank you for stopping by! And for providing the fire escape information.
Swing by again sometime!
I may have to do that. We have some things in common. (I'm Lutheran and we farm, but in MN.)
Wartburg is on my second DD's short list for next year, but I think she has decided on a Minnesota school. :D
I'll have to bookmark this so I can find it again. I don't have a blog.
Hey, maybe you should do a blog, too!! Before I started my blog, I had searched around for blogs by farm women, but didn't find any. (Maybe I didn't know how to search correctly.) Anyway, if you start a blog, let me know, and I will certainly be one of your readers!!
Do you have livestock? Dairy? Best wishes to your daughter. Did you guys visit Wartburg?
Now that I know the tube is a fire escape, it will be fun to try and come up with an amusing caption using it.
"Dottie and Fred tried to appear nonchalant after making a quick getaway through the fire escape....." (now why did they need to make a quick getaway?)
Any ideas?
Yes, we were at Wartburg twice. We also stopped at that quilt shop in town and bought some fabric. (which I haven't used yet )
We have dairy - Holsteins. And Case IH! LOL
PS I am graduating from point-and-shoot film cameras to digital, so maybe when I can take a decent picture, I'll think about a blog.
Oh, goodness....just create a blog and start posting! I know very, very little about photography. I bought my digital camera last summer to use at our daughter's wedding. Its a Canon PowerShot A630, nothing expensive or fancy. From reading other blogs I'm beginning to learn about editing photos.....doctoring them up to look better. That requires software like Photoshop, which I don't have. If you go to CountryGirl's blog, you will see really beautiful photos and editing....she uses Photoshop. My computer came with "Picture It", so I'm using that to add frames and adjust tints, etc......just for fun!
Photos add visual interest on a blog, but writing down thoughts and experiences is just as enjoyable, in my opinion. I started my blog a year ago and didn't start posting photos until a month ago! I was a hermit blogger.....then I ventured out and read some other blogs and left some comments.....I became more sociable and now I get some comments from others.
So I'm encouraging you to go ahead and create a blog and get started! You most likely have many interesting photo subjects around your farm.
How did you find my blog, by the way? And you're a quilter? I love to admire quilts, but have never tried making one myself.
Keep in touch!
I forgot to mention.....on the farm where I grew up we used RED tractors! I spent many hours doing fieldwork with a IH Farmall 560....what a great tractor....but no dad would put a heathouser on it when the weather turned cold.
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