I ordered the blinds back in late October, and they arrived a month later around the time of Father-in-Law's death. When they arrived, Husband briefly looked inside the box and said he would deal with installing them "later".
So the long Levelor box has been sitting in our house since then. Nagging is never a good option, so I simply let the Levelor box speak for itself......."I'm in your way-----INSTALL ME!", but it didn't seem to be working.
Two days ago, my stepdad was here to work on the room in the basement. At lunchtime, he, Husband and I were at the table enjoying our meal. The conversation came to a lull and I suddenly turned to my stepdad and said, "When you're finished in the basement, you'd be welcome to put up the new window blinds......". He smiled and nodded. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Husband staring at me......probably glaring.
But, the wheels were set in motion. Right after lunch, Husband pulled the blinds out of the Levelor box, read the directions, gathered a tool or two, and had the installation done within a half hour!
Anyway, I like them very much. They add a somewhat out-of-place sophistication to our farmhouse family room. The cordless design is nice.....no cords hanging around, obviously. The blinds are metal, but have a matte texture. The color and texture are called Earth Stone and Native Stone, but I can't remember which one is which. Some sort of valance or topper would look nice, probably, so that will be the next thing to think about.
well, sometimes we do what we gotta do to get things accomplished *g
At least you didn't nag, right?!
But how do they work!!! I have one that needs replacing and I literally struggle with it every morning!! mine has cords---and I probably will get another with cords; but just wondering!! Can you pull it all the way up and how?
The blind has two hand grips to use to pull it down and push it up.......pulls down like a shade.
Very easy.
When the blind is all the way pushed up the top window can still be opened easily. We don't have A/C so we open windows alot in the summer.
Oh my gosh, I hated when my husband didn't do things I needed to have done.
I'm really impatient, though.
So I started doing them by myself. I went to the hardware store and asked the people who worked there how to do things. And I read instructions. I used a power drill and I found that I actually LIKED it. I think my husband was more shocked than anything.
Sometimes I surprise myself.
I really like your blinds. The color is good.
You're pretty crafty at getting things done, too!
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