My son's run-in with the seatbelt ticket reminded me that I also have a seatbelt experience lurking in my past. It happened one summer evening a couple years ago when I was on my way to a Ladies Aid outing at a tea room in Independence, Iowa, about 25 miles from home here. On the way there, I did have my seatbelt buckled, as I always do, but because the strap across my chest seemed uncomfortable, I had draped it under my left arm, is sometimes my habit.
Once in Independence, I had to watch street signs closely to try and find the one the tea room was on. While at a stop sign, I noticed a police car behind me, but thought nothing of it. I turned right, and the police car big deal. Then, realizing I had taken the wrong turn for where I wanted to go, I turned into a store parking lot to turn around. The police car followed me into the parking lot, his lights flashing by then. Great. Had I not used my turning signal?? I was sure I had. Were my brake lights not working?? What could it be?
The young (they usually are) policeman walked over to my window and said, "M'am, do you have your seatbelt on?" I showed him that I did......but, of course I had that strap under my arm. He asked me why I was using the seatbelt that way. I said it was uncomfortable the other way. He asked me if I had a doctor's order to wear it that way!! I've got to be kidding me.....this guy must be having a very slow evening!
Unfortunately, I've never been one of those mythical women who can bat their eyes at a law enforcement officer and avoid getting a ticket. My bad attitude shines through too clearly. I said, "This is absolutely ridiculous." The policeman said, SO apologetically, of course, "I'm going to have to give you a ticket." I said, "Well, fine, just hurry up......I'm late for a dinner engagement." So besides memories of a lovely meal at an antique-filled tea room, I took home a $55 ticket for a seatbelt violation involving a buckled seatbelt. Go figure!
Here's some historical info that involves Independence, Iowa. It includes a kite-shaped harness-racing track, and two famous horses named Allerton and Axtell. The huge, old landmark horse barn on the west edge of town remained standing until several years ago. Downtown, next to the Wapsipinicon River, is a towering old brick mill building, and several blocks of old storefronts. You can enjoy an interesting day there, but watch out for young, bored policemen!
I think, no, I KNOW, you're the only person I know who's gotten a ticket for a BUCKLED seatbelt!!
What do you have against police officers? They are just doing their job, enforcing laws that the representatives you've chosen have made.
Thank you for your comment. My attitude was bad.....I felt this young policeman had better things to do than ticket a middle-aged woman who was wearing her seatbelt.
I'm glad that the officers aren't contributing to prejudice by age. Just because someone is 40, 50, or 60 does not mean that they don't do things that are as against the law as someone who is 20.
If you break the law, you break the law. It's our choice to live in this country, and it is our choice to fight against laws we don't like.. or not.
Police officers are just doing their jobs. I am grateful that they are there helping enforce the laws of our community, even when they themselves think the laws are stupid. It isn't their job to take the deciphering of laws onto themselves. It's only their job to enforce it.
Thank you again for your comment. You're right in everything you said about not discriminating due to age.
I simply didn't know it was against the law to put the shoulder strap under my arm, and it didn't seem to me to be a violation worth $55.
Many people simply get warnings for doing something much more significant.....I know that for a fact. Perhaps a young, pretty girl would have gotten by with only a warning!
Kind of funny in a way.
Sorry for being short on tact this morning. I had a super migraine and shouldn't have been near a keyboard! I stand by how I feel, but shouldn't have expressed myself the way I did.
Yes, forgiven! But, it was fine that you expressed your opinion, and I truly didn't mind. What you said was good to think about.
Have a great careful on the ice.
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