Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Photo of Month Submission
Collecting Rocks & Links
Another time, one of my daughter's friends was here and saw it and said, "Wow.....where'd you get the nice Great Lakes Agate?" He's a rock collector, I then found out.
Below is the 5-pound jasper rock that was shown next to Ollie's face in a photo in yesterday's post. After pulling it out of the creekbed, I excitedly took the rock to the barn to show Husband. He examined it and said, " looks like a liver." Hm-m, a somewhat deflating description of my treasure. He's correct, though, it looks like a piece of raw meat, especially when moistened, as it is in this photo. (Spouses are good for being honest and keeping us well-grounded, that's for sure.......and it works both ways.......husband keeps wife grounded; wife keeps husband grounded.......for good balance!)
Am I fascinated by red rocks? Maybe. The two largest ones are about 2 x 2" and 1-1/2" thick. They're so bright and colorful...... I can't resist picking them up!!
Hey, I did a little bit of blog exploring yesterday morning......groping here and there in blogworld. Gracious Acres blog has some unique views of the Capitol building in Des Moines in her latest post. Added to my bloglist are blogs from Illinois and Arkansas, and a couple more from Newfoundland........I can't get enough of those lovely seascapes. There's also a scenic blog from France......the posts are in French, so, of course, I can't understand them, but beautiful photos are included, which are easily interpreted!! They're a form of common language, it seems.
If anyone knows of other scenery blogs from other countries......clue me in with a link to add to my collection. And, the Iowa blogs list is fairly short, and could use some additions......especially, I'm looking for rural Iowa bloggers. One thing I enjoy in a photo blog is when the pictures show the author's own vicinity or state. There are sights/sites of interest and beauty everywhere........especially, even close to one's own home.....wherever that home may be.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
R-O-C-K in the U.S.A.
With picking up rocks, you decide its either a miserable activity or something possibly interesting and intriguing. Choosing the latter option makes the job almost fun. One factor for me was the possibility of finding an arrowhead. Everytime we picked up rocks, I desperately hoped to find one. It never happened.......but, I was always hopeful; and to this day, I still dream of discovering such an artifact.
On Sunday, I picked out an assortment of colorful polished stones to buy at the show: In the photo below, starting with the orange one and going clockwise: Carnelian from Botswana; Malachite from Zaire; Rhodonite from Madagascar; Blue Lace from Namibia; Fluorite from China; and in the center, Hematite from Brazil. They are sitting on a polished slice of Jasper.
Upon arriving at the show, I attended a presentation given by a guy who is digging out fossils at a quarry near Independence, Iowa. Recently, the quarry employees discovered a stratum of rock which contains numerous big spiral, curly mollusk fossils, from the Devonian Period, he said. Supposedly, the land area which is now Iowa was once covered with ocean and was situated down around the equator......before the continental drift took place. These sea creatures were from that era. It was fascinating to see the fossils!
After that, I went downstairs to the big room where the displays were........many varying collections, a rock-tumbling and polishing demo, a guy picking fish fossils out of rock slabs from a quarry in Montana, a guy making arrowheads, etc., etc.
While at the show, I ran into only two people that I know.......and oddly enough, they share a common connection to my life situation. Right when I stepped into the display room, I saw a lady who used to live RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD AND TO THE LEFT of the farm I grew up on. During my junior high and high school years, I babysat many times at her home, for her son and daughter......the daughter being also there at the rock show with her several children. I haven't seen any of these folks in years! I used to love being at their house......they didn't believe in having a TV, so I was able to easily read and do homework there after the kids went to TV to tempt or distract me!
Now back to the present and the rock show......later, while watching the guy using the little picking instrument on the fish fossils, I suddenly realized I was standing next to my neighbor lady who lives RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD AND TO THE LEFT of the farm I live on now!!! She's a year older than me and has two children in their twenties.......and an eight-year-old caboose son!! She told me she belongs to the Gem & Mineral Society, and she and her young son go on digs in quarries. As we spoke, her son was absorbed in watching the fish fossils being picked at. Incidently, my daughter babysat for him all last summer!
Well, much for that silly little coincidence of the day! (Only one other lady fits the description of having lived RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD AND TO THE LEFT of one of my homes........oddly enough, she wasn't in attendance at the rock show!)
Like I said, I'm always hoping to find an arrowhead. This rock below is obviously not one, but its an odd shape for a rock to naturally occur in. My stepdad and my son's fiancee's father think it is a tool.......a sharpening stone. A section of it is broken off and the inside surface is hard, gray sandstone, just like a whetstone.
My favorite find of the spring so far is the red, whitish, and caramel-colored rock shown below. Ollie's close-up kitty face distorts the perspective of how large the stone really is. It weighs five pounds. After being at the rock show Sunday, I now know that this is a hunk of Jasper. Very lovely and colorful, especially when moistened with water. That's how I found it, actually........the morning sunlight was catching a little end of it glistening bright red in the creekbed. I had to wade in to retrieve it, filling my boots with water! So this little piggy went squish, squish, squish......all the way home!
In the next post, I'll show you a Great Lakes Agate I found a few years ago out in the cornfield. Oh, yes, and almost forgot to mention........the first "career" I recall wanting to pursue (back in third grade) was archeology. Yes, I would tell my parents I wanted to be an archeologist, to which I'm sure they just rolled their eyes. But, hey, you know what...... even though its at the lowest amateur level possible, I AM declaring myself the chief resident archeologist/geologist here on our farm. You're greatly impressed, aren't you!!?? Maybe you'll be even more so once I make myself a badge out of cardboard and aluminum foil!!!
Are there any rock nuts out there amongst those of you reading this blogpost? Or are you at least a fan of John Mellencamp's song?? Or can you tell me who sang this line in a song (my memory fails me at this moment): "I've been a miner for a heart of gold..........and I'm gettin' old......."?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Old Bridge Survives Again
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Trinity Window Non-Est?
This is another stained-glass window from my church, and like the
Luther Seal Window, it is situated way in the back of the balcony, where it is rarely seen by churchgoers.
It looks like a Trinity symbol......Father/Pater, Son/Filius, Holy Spirit/Spiritus Sanctus. In the middle is "Deus", meaning "God", I presume. But, what about the three "NON-EST" words? In the dictionary, the definition for this Latin phrase is, "it is not; not there; absent". So I'm assuming this means "Father is not, Son is not, Holy Spirit is not"..........not God alone?? Father alone is not God, Son alone is not God, Holy Spirit alone is not God??? Meaning, of course, that God is Three in One. Maybe someone with theology knowledge can comment on whether this is correct, or tell us what it really means.
Perhaps this window was hidden away up there in the rear of the balcony so no one would see it and ask for its explanation! (Just kidding.)
Anyway, its something to ponder on this Sixth Sunday of Easter. I think today is Holy Pascha (Easter) in the Orthodox Church; I wonder why East and West celebrates Easter on different days??
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Flooded Road Update
Elk Run Road was coming along. It looks much better, as you can see. Somebody's coming on a 4-wheeler, though; someone else checking out the flooding situation.
Charade Quiz Answers
U Got A Think Tank?
This morning I thought about several things: 1. That I need to post the answers to the Charade Quiz questions. 2. That I would like to do a post on bi-polar depression. 3. That happening to watch Bill Moyers Journal last evening on PBS was a good thing, for I received (hopefully) an accurate view of Barack Obama's much-maligned pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Rev. Wright is OK, folks. Don't be overly-influenced by brief sound-bytes on the evening news or wherever. Rev. Wright is about spreading the Gospel of Christ, and about encouraging people to throw off their preconceived notions, such as that the only proper Christian worship style is the white European one. Or that African culture isn't as valid as English, German, Jewish, Chinese, Hispanic, etc., etc. Or that only white people become doctors, lawyers, etc. Or that it was OK to drive the Native Americans from their homelands.
Unless Bill Moyers and Rev. Wright were deliberately misleading viewers with false information, Rev. Wright is OK in my opinion. He has empowered his church's black, Hispanic, and white community in south Chicago with confidence, pride, and hope. He preaches against gang violence, abortion, and the idea that any certain government or culture holds privileged status in God's eyes.......which is the point he was trying to make when in one of his sermons he said we should not sing "God Bless America", but "God damn America".......IF our government and people do not uphold God's laws.
So remember that if you keep hearing in the media or other circles that Rev. Jeremiah Wright advocates the idea of "God damn America".
God bless your Saturday!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Water Over Roads
The photo below is taken looking straight north along what is normally Elk Run Road. All of the water you see does not belong there!
Widowed Robin
Considering the large volume of rain we received last night, and seeing these two robins' nests built right on the ground, it seems apparent that these birds knew the storm was coming. So how could they possibly know such a thing? Some will simply say, "Oh, God tells them." Well, I believe God created all creatures and endowed them with senses and abilities so they can survive and thrive, but He doesn't actually "speak" to birds or to us. Not in His own voice, anyway. Information moves in other ways.
From seeing the ground-level location of these two nests, we humans can "read" the information that bad weather is coming. So, my question is, what do the robins "read" to get their information? Husband thinks the atmospheric air pressure has something to do with it. Something triggered the instinct in those robins to build their nest down low. Last year, early in the summer, we had a couple windstorms, and afterwards I found a dozen or more nests that had blown out of the trees. Obviously, those birds didn't foresee the windstorms. Does a heavy rain announce itself ahead of time to birds somehow??
Remember when that bad tsunami hit in the Indian Ocean a few years ago? Weren't there reports of animals moving inland weeks before the disaster hit? And some primitive tribes of people seemed to have advance awareness of the tsunami, too. That's just so very interesting.
I'm sad about the robin mother drowning........I presume it was the mother, anyway. I think this is the father in the photo below. He was hanging around the nest. Will he know enough to take care of the eggs? I don't know how that works with male they sit on eggs or not? Do any of you know?
Five Inches Rain
Our farm "takes water" from many surrounding farms. Husband had our "creek" waterway excavated last fall, but last night's rain was too much even for the deeper creek bed. When Husband's grandfather purchased this farm back in the mid-1950's, it was considered one of the worst farms in the county, due to its situation of being so wet and having sandy soil. Many, many strings of tile put in over the years have helped resolve the drainage problem. Except, of course, when it rains this much in a short period of time!
I walked down the road to take a gander at the real creek our "creek" waterway dumps into. Its like a lake today!
Below shows a pair of some type of sandpiper, I think. At least someone enjoys the extra water in the fields!
I was anxious to check out the robin's nest on the shoulder of the road, to see if it survived last night's deluge. I'll report the findings in the next post. There's good news and bad news.......prepare yourselves......
P.S. - School was dismissed at 10:30 this morning because the Wapsipinicon River is rising, threatening to overtake some roads near the school. Do you think my son was disappointed.......NOT!
Shopping Day Thoughts
Anyway, like I said, browsing was all I did today as far as the mother-of-the-groom dress is concerned. The wedding isn't until August, so there's plenty of time left to shop. I did buy a few items at Kohl's-----and do any of you shop at Kohl's? And does your Kohl's constantly have rack upon rack of clearance clothes, all through the year? This one in Cedar Falls sure does. I just shake my head every time I go into that store; although, admittedly, searching through the sale racks is fun! Today there were several rows of 80% and 90% off, bringing prices down to near garage-sale levels. Fun, fun!
Have an enjoyable day!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Update On Bird Nest
This nest is right out in the open, on the ground, where predators can easily get at it, and has no protection from rain and wind. Why would a robin couple choose such an unusual place for their nest? Very perplexing.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Paul Davis' Passing
To my listening ear, Paul Davis had an entirely pleasant-sounding singing voice, gentle and peaceful. I never saw or heard him in person, but I would imagine he was soft-spoken........I could be wrong, of course.
I have the vinyl LP, "Cool Night", which I just now dug out of the closet; the above photo of Paul Davis is from the back of the slipcover. This singer wrote his own songs........something always impressive to me. At the bottom of the credits printed on the album's slipcover it says, "Love to Pam, My friends, and Family.......This one's for Jonathan."
Paul Lavon Davis was born April 21, 1948, and died yesterday in Meridian, Mississippi, the day after his 60th birthday! (My son's birthday is also April 21.) The Wikipedia entry for him states he started out in a local band (in Mississippi, I'm assuming), called "Six Soul Survivors". His 1978 hit, "I Go Crazy" spent 40 weeks in the Top 100, setting a record at the time. In 1988, he was part of a trio song, "I Won't Take Less Than Your Love", with Paul Overstreet and Tanya Tucker, which I vaguely remember.
Anyway........I have always enjoyed Paul Davis' songs, and am sad to hear of his passing. My sympathies to his family and friends.
Bossy Up Close
I tried to offer a few words of understanding, assuring Bossy Anne that even we aging human women experience discomforts somewhat similar to those she mentioned. She must not have believed me, for she simply turned on her hooves, and stalked away to join the cowyard clique, her nose turned high in the air.
Goodness, what a frustration sometimes, trying to comprehend the female bovine mind (and body). I hope you don't encounter anyone like Bossy Anne today!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Clouds Take Over Again
By 4 p.m. yesterday a bank of dark gray clouds was crawling upwards from the western horizon. Soon the sun was swallowed up by the encroaching leaden mass, as you can see in the photo below......the sun sending out its last gasping rays before disappearing.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Daffy Down Dilly
Elbe River Tour Continued
This Elbe Sandstone Mountain area in Germany reminds me of parts of the Black Hills in South Dakota.
As I mentioned in the previous post, this excursion was with the Viking Riverboat Tours Co. My mom and stepdad have also taken cruises on the Volga River between Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in The Netherlands at tulip blossom time. They are trying to decide where to go next! Must be rough, huh?? I think they should go to Norway and cruise through the fjords, or to Ireland. My mom wants to tour the Ukraine next, though. She really likes Russia.
In "Vittenberg"
One of the cities they spent time in was Wittenberg, in northern Germany.......famous for its connection to the life and times of Martin Luther. Hence, this post's photos will show a few "Sehenswurdigkeiten von Wittenberg"/main sights of Wittenberg.
The top left photo below shows the "Schlosskirche"/Castle Church, on whose door Martin Luther nailed the "95 Theses" on October 31, 1517. Yesterday afternoon, I read the "95 Theses"........they are a list of concerns, dealing mainly with the medieval Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences. As I see it, over time the Church had become intoxicated by its power and authority over people. (Imagine that.) The institution of the Church became unable to see clearly and operated in a presumptuous manner, thinking it was God, with the right to dictate rules to dominate the masses of everyday people, and feed its greed for money. I highly doubt that that was Jesus' intentions for how the church should operate. The Church was drunk, and like a drunkard, was doing stupid things. Martin Luther's original intent was to reform the Church......not establish a new branch of the Church. Things got out of hand, probably because things needed to get out of hand........the status quo needed to be shaken up. Whoops......we need to get back to the photo.......
Below is Luther's gravestone.........inside the Castle Church, I assume.
I hope to post a few more tour scenes in the next post. My mom and stepdad were on a Viking Riverboat Cruise on the Elbe River. Other cities they toured included Berlin, Dresden, and Prague.
Grass, Ladybugs, Dalai Lama
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Werner Sallman Signature
In addition, on the left side was the artist's own signature, "Werner Sallman", and the year "1964". There were also three Bible passages listed in the artist's handwriting. Here they are (RSV):